The site is a lot in a commercial subdivision along a five lane parkway in Virgil, TX, an outer ring suburb of Dallas, TX. The location was grazing land before being subdivided. The soil is sandy loam.
The lot is 380 feet wide from east to west and 200 feet deep from south to north. All bounds run true N-S or E-W. The site is bounded on the north by the five lane east to west parkway, on the east by an almost identical lot, on the south by open grassland, and on the west by an almost identical lot. The site slopes evenly and gradually up from north to south so that the south edge of the lot is 5 feet higher than the north edge of the site. There are no trees on the lot and there are no other buildings in sight of the lot.
Client Description:
The client is a creative corporate enterprise, Varicorp. Varicorp once was a leading manufacturer of electronics but, under its new CEO, David Byrne, has developed into a media laboratory that explores the design of devices, electronic media, apps, film, games, and music. Mr. Byrne gives us his charge for the project here:
Building Description:
The building footprint is 240 feet wide (E-W) and 120 feet deep (N-S). It is centered in the site East to West and its depth (N-S) is left to the designer's decision. The building will be laid out on a 5 foot planning model. The building will have a central core containing vertical circulation, wet areas, and lobbies. The building core will be the only interior space on the ground floor, which will be left oepn to parking outside the core. Above that will be two or three standard floor plates--at the designer's discretion. The building will be sprinklered throughout. The building will be serviced appropriately by a raised flooring system specified by the designer. There will be two elevators, two sets of fire rated stairs, and a men's and women's toilet room on each floor. The designer will lay out and accommodate these essential building services in the core.
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